The main task of SERM is to suppress all negative reviews from the first positions of search results. The most correct way to do this is to publish a large amount of positive information about the company, followed by its promotion in search engines. Despite the fact that our SERM is not as developed as abroad, there are several ways to manage search engine reputation:

Enhanced service, which, of course, can attract customers and push them to leave good feedback about the company.
Active in social networks - the creation of thematic groups, where discussions will be conducted, and you can control them and filter unnecessary comments.
Issuing press releases and other types of PR activities aimed at increasing the reputation and favorable image of the company.
All of these methods help the company in the fight for positive content in search results. New information with a plus sign crowns out negative comments that scare potential customers. To search for negatives on the web, for example, use the services Socialbakers or Youscan.

Who needs SERM technology
Reputation management in the search is required for every company and private entrepreneur who wants to grow and develop. SERM is simply necessary to increase the number of sales.

A striking example of how SERM can influence the development of a company (and its revenues) is the crisis of the largest corporation Toyota, which happened in 2010. Then the company’s management had to make a rather difficult decision to recall more than 8 million cars that had a problem with acceleration and brakes. Imagine how then looked the first pages in search engines with reviews about cars of this brand. The corporation did not stagnate and took several steps at once, which helped it to restore its reputation:

The channel “Toyota Conversation” was opened, on which the company showed various tweets, articles, videos about cars.

A video was launched on the Web in which the company's founder sincerely apologized to customers.
Next were released videos that talked about driving safety.
Finally, the largest concern “cleared” the results in search results for all the necessary key requests, including reviews.
It was 2010. Take a look at the peak of its development, "Toyota" is now.

And here is an example of an anti-SERM already from our reality, when disgruntled motorists even created a whole site where they fight the concern Volkswagen Group Rus because of the incorrect operation of the gearbox. At the same time, the concern itself does not carry out any work to oust this negative from the Network:

Main pros and cons
The main benefit of SERM for a company is to increase its reputation - the most valuable intangible asset. By creating a special department or hiring a company that will monitor the reputation, you guarantee a prompt response to the appearance of negative reviews about the brand or product. You can control that potential customers who are looking for feedback on the product or service of your company, find only positive or neutral information.

But all this is not such a simple process. This review is always better and more effective than the "fake". It is absolutely not necessary to have high erudition to distinguish the comments of the real consumer from the fake. The worst thing is that fake comments are used not only to enhance the company's reputation, but also to remove competitors from the market. This is another point why you should start working with SERM as soon as possible.

Foreign companies pay special attention to SERM, actively working with this factor. The same applies to special bodies that monitor the writing and placement of fake reviews. For example, not so long ago, several US firms were fined a considerable amount for writing and publishing invented positive comments. In our country, if they are struggling with such reviews, it is not everywhere and sometimes not very effective.

Hopefully, this article has helped to understand the importance of SERM for the development of the brand and the company. Despite the fact that in our country SERM is not so much popular yet, this type of service will find wide distribution already tomorrow (by analogy with the promotion of sites). Start working with your search reputation today, it will help you get ahead of your competitors and increase your business income.