YOUTUBE Browser address bar and bookmarks

These are direct transitions to video. Also a rather strange thing, however, I have such views in some way.

Maybe earlier, when it was impossible to embed a video into the site, it was more common, or for videos that were forbidden to be embedded.

Or when you follow the link to check the transition.

In short, it's hard to say.

Maybe this is when, for example, a friend gives another link to your video, in case it is impossible to watch the video in that messaging service.

It's just that I personally almost never give direct links to my videos - very rarely.

If I want to let people know about my video, I embed it so that you can watch it right away. However, some people like to go straight to YouTube and watch something already there, to like, leave comments or watch other videos on the channel.

Maybe something to subscribe.

Here we can not strongly influence, apply everything that I said in the section "external sources".

It just seems to me that direct transitions are outdated, or it is a sign of poor embedding of your videos in external sites. It seems to me that viewing should go from an external source, and not through transitions, although perhaps I am missing something.