Instagram owns the minds of a myriad of users. Instagram sets trends and promotes other people's ideas to the masses, resting on its laurels. Instagram allows its loyal fans to get fame and fortune, taking those from those who stumbled. Fortunately, any adequate account is able to enter the first category, be it a personal or business page. A competent development strategy will consolidate success and significantly increase the popularity bonuses, but how to build it?

9 ways to promote instagram
1. We make an account. Use all the available blocks, the more you know about the account owner (whether it is one person, team or brand) - the easier it will be for visitors of the page to understand if they are interested (you can make the description quite attractive, right?). Developing and adhering to a single style is an important element in the foundation of future success. Do not hesitate to experiment and go beyond the usual, do not chase momentary glory - if your account "did not shoot" immediately, it is likely that this will happen after some time, when the public will pay attention to it and appreciate it.

2. Create content. Good content is the cornerstone of advancement. Basic instructions can be found in our article - how to make suitable content. In short: be honest to yourself and your subscribers, write correctly and concisely, photos and videos tend to spread a variety. For example, not only staged professional work from events, retouched and sleek portraits, but also unexpected frames from a backstage, and in this case the quality of pictures or videos does not play a special role, unlike their content and atmosphere. But do not overdo it with the "handicrafts", sometimes you need to resort to graphic editors and fix up some points that can scare subscribers.

3. Hashtags and stories. Track the trends of the most popular hashtags and add to your posts (in the topic, of course). The importance of hashtags confirms one of the most interesting instagram innovations recently - a subscription to hashtags. The same applies to the story. Regular story will not allow subscribers to relax and attract attention, besides in the stories you can advertise through Instagram advertising cabinet.

4. Collect statistics. To sustain the very general style that will add personality points to your account, work out the content plan. It is important to remember that the content plan is not a set of axioms, but an indication of directions. Use all the statistics collection capabilities to keep track of public interests and adjust content to reflect the data. This can help, for example,, Iconosquare, Amplifer. Full functionality of services allows you to track even the smallest details.

5. Watching the audience. An interesting moment that some users forget about, and then they wonder why their account is not popular: subscribers are not only dry statistics, but also real people, who hardly plan to tolerate ignoring their people. Observe subscribers' activity, respond to messages in direct and comments, study accounts of the most interested users - in general, participate in the process, cold detachment does not often succeed (although in some cases it works, but such cases are one in millions).

6. Actively use the advertising office. Once you know your audience, you will understand which subscribers it makes sense to attract. This is where the advertising office comes into play. The Instagram account is associated with the Facebook business page, so the possibilities are very broad. Flexible settings will help to promote your page where it will be interesting, having spent on this quite sparing amounts (by the way, the story is even more efficient and cheaper). You can promote, for example, contests or posts that provoke the audience to some kind of action (interactive), and provocations can be built on both positive and negative.

7. Interact with other Instagram users. Good content and an active audience will attract the attention of not only ordinary subscribers. The level of popularity is directly proportional to the level of potential partners with which it will be possible to exchange subscribers through joint projects (often such projects eventually go beyond the limits of online space). The same applies to mutual media - the steeper and more interesting the account, the easier it will be to find pages for effective advertising.

8. Massfoloving (MF) and masslayking (ML). In the first case, we simply subscribe to your target audience - perhaps someone will sign in response, whether out of politeness or out of interest. In the second - just put the likes under other people's records for the same purpose. The network can find a lot of automated services for these actions, and they have something to hide, have proven to be effective in certain cases. If you are committed to serious promotion and to